Protecting People with Advanced AI Solutions

At JJP Solutions, we partner with the best technology providers to bring you cutting-edge AI analytics solutions. Our technology prioritizes the safety of individuals in every environment, ensuring safety without compromising privacy. We are proud to offer their advanced AI solutions that enhance security response times and improve safety outcomes.

Optimize Your Security with AI through JJP Solutions

As a trusted broker for Legacy, we help reduce false positive alerts and elevate the efficiency of your existing security systems. Our passion lies in delivering innovative AI solutions that seamlessly integrate with and augment your current safety and security protocols.

Markets We Serve

  • Monitoring Centers
  • Schools
  • Corporate Offices
  • Retail
  • Public Spaces
  • Healthcare

Features of our AI Analytics

  • Software-only solution; no new hardware required
  • Cloud-based and system agnostic
  • Real-time, actionable alerts delivered within seconds
  • Transforms existing cameras into smart surveillance systems
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